From the beginning of time man has sought to define time. And has failed miserably at it. Time cannot be defined. It is something that supersedes human knowledge and comprehension. For decades humans have dreamt of time travel and the wonders of teleportation. We dream of a world where we can escape time. But why would we want to escape time? A question that I believe has profound answers unique to each soul on this time-bound earth.
*TickTock. Tick Tock.*
In our attempt at making some sense of the passing of ages, man has come up with sundials, ancient and modern calendars, and clocks. All kinds of clocks too.
*Cukoo. Cukoo*
Take the cuckoo clock for example. Why would someone want a silly bird popping out of nowhere every single hour to startle the mouse in it’s hole and the makes the cat’s whiskers twirl. Maybe it has something to do with the cock that so obnoxiously wakes everyone up at an hour that I think is the middle of the night.
*Bong Bong*
Grandfather clocks. Grandfather clocks have become more of a collector’s item than a timepiece. They were always known for the intricate carvings and ornamentation and it was considered art back when the world was black and white. The term actually comes from a song that was a tribute to a certain pair of brothers whose fate was tied to a long case clock. As legend goes, the clock slowed down when one of the brothers died and broke down altogether when the other one died. Morbid that we should remember time by death.
*Tring Tring*
Those annoying alarm clocks. The one I want to silence till kingdom come. Yet, I’d be nowhere without it. We’re more or less dependent on alarm clocks to wake us up to the dawn of the new day. There are even those innovative ones that keep walking around to prevent you from smashing it to tiny little bits and pieces.
Whatever time is, for I cannot understand it completely and probably will never be able to, I do know that it is precious, and that there is no way yet to get back the time that I have lost. It makes want to grab every moment of everyday and live in the here and now, forgetting the past and independent of the future.
Time is now.
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