Sunday, March 8, 2009

!!!My Friends!!!

This is dedicated to the four people in my life who’ve helped me through it all…
In their order of appearace :)

Charu, Gladson, Anjali n’ Saumi

It was the year of the millenium,
N’ I was in grade three
I did’nt notice her much,
But I guess she noticed me.
The second, I was accquainted with in grade seven.
That irritating kid was such a wannabe
What I did’nt realise, was that that kid,
Was my best friend to be.
The third, I met in grade eight,
The tomboy who was kinda like me…
I guess, you could say that I was the lock,
N’ she was the key…
The fourth in grade nine
And thoughi thought it was late,
It did’nt take long for us to be.
He always looks out for me.
These people helped discover me,
And have made me who I am.
And now I realise, we’ve a year before we ccreep away,
And depart, our own separate ways.
And I hope to God,
That I don’t lose them along my way.
Cause sincei’ve been seven, and now I’m 16,
They’ve been the ones who’ve helped me be me.

To me, they mean the world

~~ Thanks for bein’ there guys!!! Love ya all so much!!! ~~