Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I have been to many places. I am currently in many places. My mind takes me to several others. I find it interesting that I can close my eyes, simply wish to be somewhere, conjure up my version of what I remember or think a particular place was, and some deep magic transports me to that space and time continuum.

I close my eyes and think of it raining back home. The smell of wet earth, the sound of thunder and the feel of wet cool drops.

Books can transport me too. Descriptions of different countries, magical lands and secret places of the heart, books can take me there.

The one place I do want to go to is Pandora. Not many people have heard of it, and I’m more than sure you haven’t either. I haven’t been there myself, but I know people who have gone there. They say it is difficult to get there and that the road is long and hard, not many survive the journey and even fewer like the place enough to stay there.

It is a land with mountains as high as the ocean is deep, and oceans that are as blue as the bluest bluebell. The grass is as tall as me and the critters unlike those you could have ever seen. The person who I know went there said he could swear that he saw lions dancing and mermaids chatting up a storm.

No, I am not delusional, I am not schizophrenic. He brought something back to prove that Pandora exists. He knew I wouldn’t believe him that easily. I am as skeptical as skeptics get. What he brought back proves, without a doubt, that Pandora exists.

I hope to go there soon. You should come too. We could make a summer holiday out of it.

I can go there anytime I want now. He gave me a map.

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